
To contact Kimberly to set up appointments, order prints, or ask any questions please call 801-503-7644 or e-mail
Thank You!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Hints and Tips

What should you wear: When selecting your clothing for you pictures think about the "look" you are trying to achieve. Do you want formal or casual pictures? Make sure everyone dresses consistently. Simple hairstyles and natural make-up look best. Try a color theme but keep in mind, lighter colors generally make you look larger. Try to choose solid bright colors. Graphics on t-shirts tend to draw attention away from you or from the other people in your pictures. If your going to be in a group setting try picking colors that compliment each other. When having your children's pictures taken remember that their shoes will probably be scene so make sure they are clean and not too flashy. Bring pets or special props that represent or tell a story about you. Long sleeves usually look better on adults. For you ladies out there, Black makes you look thinner in pictures!

What Location: There are hundreds of locations to do pictures in the salt lake area. Here are a few examples:
Wheeler Farm, Murray Park, Temple grounds, Fun backyards, The Parkway, Thanksgiving point, The Children's Museum, City Parks, Memory grove, Peace gardens, your baby or child's bedroom, Mountains, salt flats.....etc. Anywhere that has something that reminds you of you is a perfect place.
I will travel anywhere in the salt lake valley up to 60 miles. If you want to do a sitting in a special place further than 60 miles there will be an additional fee.

What time is best for pictures: The best time of day to take pictures outdoors is after 4p.m. If its more convenient for you to do pictures before that time keep in mind that the sun will be higher in the sky. You may want to choose a location that has tree's or buildings for shade and lighting conditions. If you have children you may want to consider their eating and napping schedules remember Happy Kids make Happy Pictures!