
To contact Kimberly to set up appointments, order prints, or ask any questions please call 801-503-7644 or e-mail
Thank You!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Proofs and Ordering Procedures

Proofs from family or individual settings will be available one to two weeks from the date of your sitting. They will be e-mailed to your e-mail address with a number attached to each picture. When you e-mail your print order to me please include the number of the picture that you would like, The size, and the quantity of each picture.
Proofs for weddings or special events will be available from two to three weeks from the date of your event.
All orders are to be received in an e-mail or in writing including half of the amount due from your order (please note that your order will not be printed until the first half of the amount due is recieved.) The total amount due must be paid upon pick-up.
Prints are usually available within five business days from the day I receive your written order.
For the address to send or take your order please e-mail me at or call 801-262-0593.